
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Sin

In this episode, the brothers seek to invent a new sin. Why? I’m not sure. It seems like it would be a pretty bad idea right? But they’re gonna talk about it. Also Mason does, just, the absolute worst thing. Listener discretion is advised; things go to a dark, dark place in order to invent a truly original sin.

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Burger

In this episode, the brothers just need to come up with a solid burger. They should be able to do that right? Not too difficult right? Why does it always have to be this way? Hope you’re hungry. It’s burger time.

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Store

In this episode, the brothers are inventing a store. -STORES- plural actually. This time they play a bit of a game with it and try to fuse the good with the bad for your best possible shopping experience.

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Mousetrap

In this episode, the brothers aim to create a better mousetrap. Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door they say. And we do exactly that with gerbils, power rangers, and some misplaced poop. Borrowers beware!

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Footwear

In this episode, the brothers are here to improve your feet! Those weak shoes have GOT to go. Don’t worry. Naturally we discuss Flubber farts, Air Bud, and a global hunt for power. If you have a foot fetish… um… not sure where I was going with that one. This one’s the shoe one.

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Laundry

In this episode, the brothers want to fix your laundry day! Dreading the monotony of taking your drab rags to the sudsy machine, drying them, folding them, and all of the other things tied in with that chore? Dread it no more. This episode fixes the thing probably.

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Amusement Park

In this episode, the brothers work on a new happiest place on earth! Everything else is worse as of today! Our new amusement park is so amusing. Oh man. You’re going to be so amused. You are NOT gonna miss the end of this one. You will be completely immersed in amusement I say. Ammersed. Immused.

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Family Pet

In this episode, the brothers invent you a brand new family of friendly family pets! Get ready for some cute stuff… sorta, kinda, probably. I mean you know there’s going to be some abominations in here, but it comes together to make some good companions. Enjoy!

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Robots & Pasta

In this episode, the brothers get quite experimental. Not just with the invention double header of BOTH a robot AND pasta but ALSO with the very format of a podcast itself. This one’s a little different, a touch of tasty, a touch of useless, a touch of gross, and still somehow very on brand. You’re not gonna be able to predict this one!